Newsletter 3, March 2019

The biggest news this month is – inevitably – the AGM.  The business of the day was successfully done, and our gratitude to those who have been loyal members, and who helped with the Exhibition was given due expression. You ARE a lovely lot of people, and we enjoy serving you in this way!

Highlights include our committee, which is more or less as I wrote last month:  Hettie Moller as Chair, Wendy Hutton as Treasurer, and Sue Sylvester who will be doing the teas once again.  Changes are to the Workshops – Carol Robinson will be taking the Tuesday ladies’ workshops, and Jenni Langford has hit the ground running with the first of her workshops for the Saturday group due to be given THIS COMING SATURDAY!!! (see details below.)  Agnes Janse van Rensburg has agreed to take on the Library on Tuesday (thank you Agnes!) and Hettie will continue to administer it on Saturdays, unless someone would like to be co-opted to do this not-very-onerous job?  All offers welcome.  The heroine of the day was Carole Walker who has not only agreed to continue with her job of running the Sales Table, but has agreed to be Secretary as well!  She will be probably one of the most hard-working member of the committee, and anyone who would be willing regularly to give her a hand with the Sales Table will be greatly appreciated.

The other significant motion passed was that we are looking seriously to increasing our teaching.  We will not be changing the present format:  members coming to the group to work and support one another, with a bit of help given when needed from a more experienced member of the group.  That will continue, as will periodic workshops which enhance and develop existing skills.  However unless we teach those who have never learnt, and this includes young people, our craft will die out, and we need to take urgent action to prevent this happening.  Many ideas are in place, one or two trial runs by members but outside the Guild, are being considered at the moment.  Anyway, this is VERY exciting, and we look to develop this more in the months to come.  WATCH THIS SPACE!

The other exciting thing is that “IGHALI” is now going to be held in Johannesburg toward the end of 2020 – next year.  “Ighali”, (which means “threads” ) is something of a National Convention on embroidery.  People come from all over the country, they stay at the venue, and go to classes, and in that way get to know some of the very best teachers in the country, they look at exhibits, they get to know other embroiderers and generally have a jolly good embroidery time. Toni Olivier has taken charge of it, and we will be asking for help as time goes on.  WATCH THIS SPACE TOO!

Well, that’s it for this month.  Below are the details and requirements of Jenni’s workshop, (and please send her a WhatsApp if you are interested – she needs numbers!)  Below that is a link to a website which shows you why what we are doing is so good for us!

Saturday workshop 9 March 2019 and 23 March 2019

Teacher: Jenni Langford

Amish Stump work 

(Also called German Tufted Wool Embroidery or Plush work)

We will be doing flowers and leaves.

Tools and Material You Need to Bring
  • Cardboard (cereal or biscuit box) (if you would like to make your own template)
  • Fabric to embroider – typically a thicker material
  • Embroidery hoop (if you have it on a stand it will be better)
  • scissors (small sharp point and one to cut the cardboard)
Tools and Material supplied
  • Template
  • Yarn in several colours. 1 or 2 colours for the centre, 3 or 4 for petals and 3 or 4 for the leaves
  • Embroidery needle (chenille)

13 Benefits of Hand Sewing


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