I hope you all had a happy holiday season, and that you did manage to get some carefully and safely contrived time with those closest to you. The Covid Project committee has been listening to you, so they met and have changed a few things around the dates and organisation of our special project. I hope this takes the pressure off a bit, and you can enjoy what you are doing for a bit longer. Please note there is a new Covid Project WhatsApp group specifically for this.
The following are the decisions of the meeting held on January 10th, 2021
1. We will extend deadline of Covid project to 12th June 2021.
2. We would like to collect what embroideries have been completed up to this point so we have a good idea of knowing where we are going.
In addition to the collection arrangements at Buttons and Bows or at Ribbonfields, you may bring your pieces of work to:
Where :- Roosevelt Park Recreation Centre parking area.
When:- last Saturday of every month.
Time:- 14h00….
3. If some of you are struggling with what or how you could go about this, we will help with inspiration for members who what to be part of project but don’t know where to start.
Some prompts:-
Google – thoughts, feelings, ideas, click on images –
For assistance please contact Robyn de Klerk. Robyn knows of design Apps and where to go to go to download designs etc.
Hilary is also happy to help with inspiration ideas and to assist in drawing simple designs for Guild members.
Ladies on subcommittee of “Covid 19 Lockdown Through the Eye of a Needle” are:-
Danny Wimpy
Robyn de Klerk
Jenny Langford
Hilary Walker
If in need to chat about this project etc PLEASE contact us.
I hope this helps. There will be an official letter at the beginning of February.